General Admissions News

Interviews, on-campus and on video

The fall semester is speeding along and we’re already down to about three weeks remaining for the on-campus interview program, which wraps up on Friday, December 5.  (Interview appointments still available — book yours now!)

For applicants who can’t visit before December 5 and those who can’t come to campus at all, we offer the option of a video interview.  Let me say at the outset that we are well aware that the video interview is not precisely the same as an in-person interview.  But it still offers applicants a forum for presenting themselves, as well as information that doesn’t otherwise fit in their applications.  The same student volunteers who conduct our on-campus interviews also review the video interviews.

To save you the searching, allow me to point you toward the instruction page, which gives you the details you need to get started.  In particular, note the section that says:

Topics covered in the interview include: why you are interested in The Fletcher School, your previous professional and personal experiences, and your future career goals.

Tip:  Take these clues and turn them into question form; then be prepared to answer.  Second tip:  Follow the suggestion to click the “learn more” option, so that you’re prepared for the video format.

Finally, as has always been the case, Fletcher offers interviews as an opportunity for us to get to know you, and you to get to know us.  They remain strictly optional, if also very helpful for applicants.

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