Our Students

Social List, Halloween edition

I’ve been keeping an eye on the digest version that I receive of the Fletcher Social List, and I’m planning to share a day’s listing that best captures the scope of student community discussion.  I haven’t found it yet, but on a more amusing note, I thought I’d share the ten messages that were sent between 4:00 p.m. on Friday and 3:59 p.m. on Saturday.  This must be a record low email rate for the academic year, but the Halloween theme came through nice and strong.  The topics:

SEEKING: Brown Sandals Size 11 or 12

SEEKING: Halloween costume ideas (two messages on this topic)

SEEKING: Yellow Hat

SEEKING: Red Bow Tie

SEEKING: Black feather boa

Free food in Hall of Flags (courtesy of Saturday’s Religion, Law, and Diplomacy conference)

SEEKING: Hard hat to borrow

SEEKING: Straw Hat

PSA: Set your clocks back tonight

I’ll be back soon with a run-down of Social List content that reflects a more typical day, but this is the wonder of the List — it’s whatever students need/want it to be.

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