General Admissions News

Happy holidays, and a few reminders

Murray in a Santa hatA quick reminder here that our office (and Tufts at large) is closed today and tomorrow for the Christmas holiday, as well as next Monday and Tuesday for New Year’s. Whether or not you observe these particular holidays, I hope the season is providing you with a bit of downtime, as well as the chance to spend some of it with family and friends. At least some of our staff will be here on the days between these dates, so you can still feel free to be in touch with any questions, and we’ll respond as soon as possible.

And speaking of downtime, why not take advantage of it to put the finishing touches on your application? Working closely with the LLM program here at Fletcher allows me to state confidently that there is no law prohibiting you from submitting your application prior to the January 10 deadline. In fact, there may be some benefits. Studies show a strong correlation between rising stress levels and the last-minuteness of application submission (with peak blood pressures occurring among populations waiting until 11:59 PM EST on January 10 to submit). That’s just science.

That doesn’t mean you have to submit it this second, though, unless you happen to be reading this on January 10. For now, relax, have some fruitcake, sip some egg nog, and settle in for a viewing of your favorite Christmas movie. Best wishes to all blog readers for a happy holiday season, and a great start to 2019!


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