Admissions Tips

Get those applications in!

It’s go time, people! I imagine many of you have spent the weekend going over various parts of your application one last time, and we appreciate the level of care and effort you put into preparing your best possible presentation. Now’s the time to get it submitted; each year we receive quite a few applications in the last few minutes before midnight, and I wouldn’t recommend that as a best practice if you can avoid it. You might have a few “peripheral” materials that are still outstanding (pending recommendations are common), but don’t let this stress you out. Submit your application now, and provided that we receive everything by February 1 we can normally avoid any processing delays.

Our office will be in touch with all applicants regarding the status of your application, either notifying you that it’s complete and ready for review, or that we still need some missing materials. This “sifting” process will be our primary focus in the coming days, and it does take some time. No need to worry if you don’t receive an update in the next week-to-ten-days; we will confirm the status of your application, and you’ll also be able to view updates on your Application Status page.

The start of our main “reading season” is always exciting for us, and we’re looking forward to all your applications!



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