Summer Visit?
Is summer a good time to visit Fletcher? Well…truth be told, it’s not optimal. But there are plenty of people for whom summer is the only opportunity to visit. If that’s you, come on over — we’ll do our best to provide a warm welcome! We’ll be offering Information Sessions most Mondays from June 4 to August 6, and we have just hired two new interns who can answer your questions about the student experience. You can also arrange an evaluative interview.
What we don’t have a lot of is classes to attend. Or buzz. It’s crazy quiet here in the summer. But a summer visit is better than no visit, so check out the list of sessions and sign up for the one that’s convenient for you.
Meanwhile, I just finished talking to Kristen, who updated me on plans for this summer’s Coffee Hours. She put out the call yesterday, and within minutes (in that wonderful Fletcher way), 25 students had offered to host a coffee in their far-flung locations this summer. Kristen will finalize the plans in the next few weeks, and then you’ll be invited to sign up for a coffee near you.