General Admissions News

Dear Ariel on Early Notification

Dear Ariel:  If I apply to Fletcher by the Early Notification deadline, do I have a better chance of being admitted?

The short answer is, no, applying for Early Notification does not increase your chances of being admitted to Fletcher.  The Admissions Committee uses the same criteria to evaluate applicants who meet the Early and Regular deadlines.  The benefit of applying early is simply the possibility to receive an admissions decision by January 1.  Additionally, if the Committee on Admissions defers making a final decision, the application will receive a second round of review with the Regular Deadline applications.

Through the Early Notification process, the Committee on Admissions may decide to make an offer of admission or to deny admission, or may defer the application for further review with Regular Deadline applicants.  If an application is deferred, the applicant will be notified of an admissions decision in late March.  Students admitted through the Early Notification process, who have submitted a Fletcher Financial Aid Application, will be notified about their scholarship awards in late March.

Early Notification is available for September matriculation only.  Ph.D. candidates may not apply for Early Notification.  Early Notification is not binding, and Early Notification applicants may apply to other graduate programs.  Early Notification applicants who are denied admission will not be eligible to reapply for the Regular or Final Deadline of the same year.

And just as a reminder, the Early Notification deadline is in 13 days on November 15th. Good luck!