General Admissions News

Simulex? Actually this weekend…

How I convinced myself that last Friday/Saturday were the 25th and 26th is unclear to me (particularly given that I was writing on Thursday the 17th), but that’s what happened.  Simulex will actually take place this week.  All the details, for those more firmly rooted in time than I, can be found on the website.  (Thanks to kind blog readers (and colleagues) who didn’t point out my befuddlement.)

But while I’m on the subject of all the many things going on around here that keep our heads spinning, I encourage you to take a look at the Fletcher calendar.  If you’re planning a visit, you may be able to build one of the weekly events into your time here.  Even if you’re not planning to visit, you may want to get a taste of what’s happening.  There’s a lot on the calendar, even as students are taking midterms this week and next.