Author: Jessica Daniels

General Admissions NewsOur Students

PhDs, too!

Hi Blog readers — I’m Jessica, former blogger-in-chief, and now an occasional guest writer.

As you probably know, Fletcher released admission decisions a few weeks ago, and nearly all those yeses and nos went to applicants to our master’s-level programs.  A relatively small number of responses winged their way to applicants to the school’s PhD Program in International Relations.  You might be one of the handful of newly admitted PhD students but, since there are very few, you’re more likely to be wondering why you would care about the PhD program, as you’re researching graduate schools.  I’m here to tell you why!

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General Admissions News

Planning a PhD application?

Hi folks! Former blogger-in-chief Jessica here — occupying the Admissions Blog while Dan is taking a walk through the Hall of Flags.

This is the moment in the fall semester when we start hearing regularly from prospective applicants to Fletcher’s PhD program in International Relations. In some ways, they’re just like applicants to our master’s degrees, with questions about where-to-put-what in the application form, but their focus on their planned research is what makes them stand out. They often pose questions that challenge me to figure out which member of the faculty might be interested in a particular sub-specialty.

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