About FletcherOur Staff

Career planning and the Master of International Business (MIB) program

Longtime readers will know Lucas from past blog contributions. Over the past few years, Lucas has become our primary in-house application process and information systems expert (and we continue to turn to him to teach us things we may have forgotten, whether he likes it or not). He’s also taken on a new role working with our international business degree program. Lucas will drop in on the blog periodically to highlight the various goings-on within the program, as well as with the Institute for Business in the Global Context (IBGC), the Fletcher research center that houses it.

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General Admissions News

Kristen and I chat about our news

Friday’s post described all the changes coming to the Admissions team. (SO MANY changes after so many years of little movement!) In preparation for moving along, Kristen and I chatted about what’s ahead for each of us. We’ve never been shy about keeping ourselves/each other entertained at work, so we opened up a shared document and started sharing.

JD: A year ago, we never would have predicted it, but here we are — both of us planning a transition from Fletcher Admissions. In your case, you’re not going too far. Would you like to describe the work that will soon be taking up your days full-time?

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About Fletcher

Nearing the end of summer quiet

It’s always the same. The summer plods along: slow slow slow slow, and then FAST! One minute, the big highlight for the week was a newly refurbished restroom down the hall from our office, and the next minute THE PRE-SESSION IS NEARLY HERE! Students will return to campus and we’ll be getting our heads in gear for the new academic year.

The truth is that the students arriving on Monday to attend the pre-session (MIBs and others interested in Strategic Management) make only a ripple in the Hall of Flags. They spend most of their time together in one classroom — but it’s still a big change from the situation this week when, as likely as not, students are rarely sighted day-to-day. And the start of the pre-session will be the push we need to get mentally ready for Orientation, which is just over two weeks away. Soon we we won’t be finding the building quiet at all anymore.

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