About Fletcher

Career Services drops in to the Hall of Flags

Today, a brief highlight of a neat new service offered this year by the Office of Career Services (OCS). Our OCS colleagues are a nimble crew, and in the past few years they’ve added a variety of new types of programming to their already-substantial roster of services and activities for Fletcher students. The first few times I saw their staff hanging out in the Hall of Flags this semester, I figured they might be experiencing a space crunch in their office, and were just improvising some spillover meeting space. As I’ve since learned, though, their regular visits to the Hall of Flags are part of a new schedule of “drop-in hours” available to students for short appointments.

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About Fletcher

Washington, DC Career Trip

There’s currently a vacation-week feel to Fletcher, with empty classrooms and strangely quiet hallways. An extension of Presidents’ Day to a week-long holiday, perhaps? Good guess, but wrong. The lull is due to the annual Washington, DC career trip administered by the Office of Career Services (OCS). OCS has something going on at pretty much all times throughout the year, but even by their busy standards it’s fair to say that the DC Career Trip is their equivalent of the Super Bowl.

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