It’s time to check in with our first-year student bloggers, now with a full Fletcher semester behind them! First up is Lisa
Read MoreAs the spring semester gets underway, it’s time to check in with our student bloggers about highlights from this past fall. First up is Gary, who had the opportunity to take part in some unique events at Fletcher.
Read MoreOur next new student blogger is Manaved, who reflects on settling into the busy rhythm of his first semester at Fletcher.
Read MoreOur next first-year student blogger is Lisa, the rare Fletcher student actually looking forward to winter! She describes her path to Fletcher via Washington, DC, from her native Ukraine.
Read MoreIt’s time to meet our new first-year student bloggers! First up is Gioia, making the transition from longtime blog reader to contributor.
Read MoreThe final summer update from our returning student bloggers comes from Gary, a current PhD candidate, who managed to fit in several conferences in DC, as well as a cross-country family road trip.
Read MoreOur next summer report comes from continuing student Akshobh, who realized a long-held goal of working in Washington, DC with a summer position with the Atlantic Council.
Read MoreHave I mentioned how nice it is to have students back on campus? Among the many pleasures of a fully-populated Fletcher is the return of our Student Stories bloggers. In the coming months you’ll be introduced to our group of new first-year blog contributors; in the meantime, it’s nice to catch up with what our continuing student writers have been up to over the summer. First up is Kaitlyn, whose summer in Paris with the Department of State is enough to cause a pang of jealousy in even the most stoic reader.
Read MoreWhile it may seem paradoxical at first glance, it’s quite common to find Fletcher students with deep interests in local and domestic public policy. Perhaps it’s all those “Think Globally, Act Locally” bumper stickers yielding dividends. I tend to think it’s more the result of the interdisciplinary mindset of our students, with which they can see the international dimensions of local policy, and vice versa (contextual intelligence, as Fletcher’s Institute for Business in the Global Context would characterize it).
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