Friday, March 28, 2025

Tufts On-Campus Students

Teaching Assistant at MCI-Shirley - fall 2025

View the Weekly TA schedule here.

We are teaching the following courses at MCI-Shirley in spring 2025: 

  1. Race, Gender, and Ethnicity on the Stage taught by Heather Nathans
  2. Energy for a Sustainable Planet taught by Roger Tobin
  3. English 2 taught by Stephen Muscolino
  4. Food Systems taught by Cathy Stanton
  5. Intro to Philosophy taught by Ian Blaustein
  6. Non-Fiction Writing taught by Emily Glickman
  7. Quantitative Reasoning taught by Johnna Farnham
  8. Math of Social Choice taught by Kim Ruane
  9. Modern America at War taught by Ben Snyder 

Medford students will only attend the recitation period for their class and the Friday TA/Faculty meeting. 

For more information about the specific courses, please reach out to the faculty member. 

TAing Inside: As a teaching assistant (TA), your support is essential to the degree program at MCI-Shirley, which is about a 50-minute drive from the Medford campus. Your job is to provide support to your faculty members and help facilitate learning inside through two-hour recitation sections each week. The recitation sections will take place on a different day than your faculty member’s class. You will be partnered with 2-3 other Tufts students who have a similar experience with and interest in the course material. 

TAs earn 4 credits by enrolling in a Civic Studies internship course. Attending an additional class meeting on Fridays is required to earn this credit. Once accepted as a TA by your instructor, TUPIT leadership, and the MA DOC, you will be granted permission to register for CVS 0099: Internship for Social Change: Prison Justice Studies. There is also a graduate-level section available for this course for graduate students.

MyTERN program courses offered - fall 2025

Students can expect to apply to enroll in the following MyTERN courses for the fall 2025 semester:

  1. Literatures of Justice with Hilary Binda and David Delvalle on Mondays from 5:15 pm to 8:30 pm
  2. Technology for Civic Impact with Jim Bowker on Thursdays from 5:15 pm to 8:30 pm 

The Tufts Education Reentry Network (MyTERN) program includes people impacted by incarceration and students from the Tufts Medford campus learning together in an environment organized by the principles and community-based values of transformative justice. MyTERN was co-created by TUPIT students from MCI-Concord, the TUPIT Director, a small group of Tufts undergraduates, and dedicated community members with deep knowledge of incarceration. MyTERN combines Civic Studies courses in higher learning with community involvement supported by our broad network of partner organizations.

Inside-Out Course (only offered in the spring)

Tufts University has offered a credit-bearing course for incarcerated people and non-incarcerated Tufts students at Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center. This course is taught as a part of the year-long TUPIT cohort program for students at SBCC. Upon completion, students located at SBCC then have the opportunity to request transferring down-security into our degree program at MCI-Shirley.

Inside-Out courses are taught by faculty members trained through the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program to lead “courses that allow participants to encounter each other as equals, often across profound social barriers.” The practice of bringing inside and outside students together for “engaged and informed dialogue allows for transformative learning experiences that invite participants to take leadership in addressing crime, justice, and other issues of social concern.” This course is open to Tufts undergraduate and graduate students and requires faculty permission after a written application and faculty interview.

“The Petey Greene Program supports the academic goals of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people through high-quality volunteer tutoring programs, while educating volunteers on the injustice manifest in our carceral system.”


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