General Admissions News

Quick update for EN applicants

The Early Notification deadline was only last Wednesday, but I feel like we’re already deep in the application review process.  Our student Admissions Committee members dove into reading over the weekend, and now the burden is on the staff to follow-up.  I’m planning to read applications at home on Monday, which will be a treat.  Decisions will be sent to applicants before the end of December.

One question that has come up a few times regards submitting the scholarship form.  You may already have submitted it with your Early Notification application, but if you didn’t, you’ll want to send it along by the deadline of January 10.  In fact, there’s no reason why you can’t (or shouldn’t) complete it and submit it today.  But if you’re not going to do that, stick a reminder in your calendar so that you don’t need to call us in a panic on January 10.

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