Search Results for: social list

About Fletcher

Social List roundup

Longtime readers know that I like to check in on the Social List from time to time. The Social List is the real-time pulse of the Fletcher community, delivering a pu pu platter of announcements, chit chat, debates, advertisements, and solicitations over email. I’ve always enjoyed the big-tent nature of the Social List, marveling at its ability to host impassioned sociopolitical debates and also to deliver a Macbook charger to a desperate student in the library.

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About Fletcher

Spring social list fun

It’s time for our semesterly check-in on the Social List, that teeming, largely-unfiltered, ongoing omnibus conversation the Fletcher student community has with itself over email. This is a good time of year to appreciate the Social List in its full glory: there are still a variety events taking place over the next few weeks before the run-up to finals and commencement, but there’s also already a smattering of end-of-year transactions (lots of graduation robes and household items for sale), as well as occasional evidence of a number of students getting a bit punchy as the academic year hits its home stretch.

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About Fletcher

The beautiful chaos of the Social List

The Fletcher student Social List has received periodic blog attention over the years, but it’s worth re-introducing for newer readers. Jessica has previously called it the “virtual glue for the community,” a description upon which I really can’t improve, although I’d elaborate that the functional ingredients of that glue are Social List as soapbox, marketplace (of ideas, goods, and services), bulletin board, classifieds, catchment for arbitrary musings, and general collective id of the Fletcher student body. A bustling e-list available to any member of the Fletcher community, the Social List can arrive as a constant ping of individual items on your device (and I do mean constant) or, for those bent on trying to impose order upon raw, teeming chaos, in daily digest form.

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