Our Students

Catching up with summer coffee hours


Students are back in classes, and while the weather still seems summery (we’ve been hitting 90+ degrees regularly), at Fletcher it feels very much like fall.  In addition to the various internships, field work, and research students pursued in other U.S. cities or countries throughout the world over the past few months, about 40 of them helped out with coffee hours. Nearly three dozen of these events took place, ranging from Austin to Addis Ababa (and stretching alphabetically to Yaoundé).

Coffee hours are a great opportunity to connect prospective candidates with current Fletcher students outside of Medford, and many of them do indeed involve meeting in a coffee shop to chat over a stiff cup of joe. In other cases, though, such as the New Mexico gathering hosted by current MALD student Justin, the group decides to, well, take a hike. A good coffee hour doesn’t have to involve coffee, it seems. Many hosts themselves had an early exposure to the Fletcher community through a coffee hour, and I hope at least a few current blog readers will find themselves hosting one in the future.



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