General Admissions News

Application news – GRE/GMAT scores are now optional

I’m happy to relay an important update for those planning to submit applications during the upcoming admissions cycle: GRE and GMAT scores are now optional for all Fletcher degree programs.

We will still accept GRE or GMAT score reports if you choose to provide them, but no longer require them as part of your application. If you already have a set of valid scores you’re happy with, or you plan to take the exam nonetheless, feel free to include the report with your application and we’ll consider it in the review process as always. But if not, well, that’s fine too.

The change is simply an acknowledgment that standardized test requirements can place an unevenly distributed burden on our applicant pool, and may not be the best indicator of academic potential for many applicants. There can be value in standardized test results, which is why we’ll continue to consider them for applicants who choose to submit them, but the consensus on our end is that it’s time to give applicants some voice in whether or not they think a test score is a worthwhile addition to their applications.

Be aware that if you choose to submit score reports, we’ll consider all sections (verbal, quantitative, analytical writing), i.e. you can’t submit only a verbal score, or only a quantitative. The good news, though, is that we’ll continue to consider the “super-score” of the highest of each sub-section for applicants who provide multiple score reports.

Our hope is that this change will simplify and streamline the application process for candidates. You can find answers to some frequently asked questions on the topic here, and are always welcome to contact us at, as well.