Author: Jessica Daniels

General Admissions News

Kristen and I chat about our news

Friday’s post described all the changes coming to the Admissions team. (SO MANY changes after so many years of little movement!) In preparation for moving along, Kristen and I chatted about what’s ahead for each of us. We’ve never been shy about keeping ourselves/each other entertained at work, so we opened up a shared document and started sharing.

JD: A year ago, we never would have predicted it, but here we are — both of us planning a transition from Fletcher Admissions. In your case, you’re not going too far. Would you like to describe the work that will soon be taking up your days full-time?

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About Fletcher

Orientation rolls on

This morning I completed my one official task for Orientation (beyond meeting students and drinking coffee). I ran one of the 13 ice-breaker activities taking place around the building or, in my case, next door in Olin Hall. I met a group of about 25, most of whom I had (surprisingly, to me) not interacted with previously. Here they are, squeezed into a classroom that was not quite right for the job.

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Admissions Tips

April flowers…and networking

Today we’ll close out the Prep for App/Prep for April tips. Before Kristen and Dan give you their thoughts on how to gather information, I want to share two items. The first is that the application for 2018-19 enrollment is open now. Whether you want to sit down and conquer it in one session (probably not advised) or start by poking around and seeing what questions you’ll be answering, take a look!

Second, I want to point you toward this very thoughtful New York Times column that Kristen sent my way. The author has done a lot of research and writing on college admissions and the college experience. You might wonder why I would highlight an article that is targeted toward undergraduates. Well, I’ll bet that some blog readers are undergrads. But also, much of the advice is equally relevant for graduate students. Wherever you end up, get to know your professors, remember to sleep, take some risks.

Okay. On to the advice.

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Admissions Tips

April: Financial Plans and visits

I know it seems like plenty of time — Admissions decisions will be released by all your schools in March, and you’ll need to make your enrollment decision by April 20 for Fletcher, and around that time for your other schools. Five weeks (more or less) to think it all through — easy peasy, right? Well… It should be very straightforward: gather all your data, plan a visit or more, make a decision. Done! Enjoy your summer! But year after year, we hear from folks who find themselves scrambling on April 19, still collecting information, feeling extremely stressed, and unable to make the final decision on a school or program. So, friends, let my Admissions pals guide you to avoid that fate. First, Liz has a suggestion for an info-gathering opportunity.

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