Admissions Tips

Suggestions from Fletcher admissions on best steps to take when applying to Fletcher or other grad programs.

Admissions Tips

It’s time for The Talk: making your financial plan

Today we turn to something of an eat-your-vegetables topic. The thrill of a favorable admissions decision is, for most candidates, accompanied by the realization that it’s time to get serious about making a financial plan. It’s understandable if the prospect makes you want to curl up into a ball and take a nap, hoping things will sort themselves out, but I assure you that the earlier you get cracking on financial planning the easier your path will be, and the more options you’re likely to have available to you.

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Admissions Tips

Application tips: The Application Form

As we continue our series of “Application Tips,” I wanted to shed some insight onto the application form itself. This is the first part of the application you come to and may seem the most straightforward; just some data entry before you get to the more substantive essays, resume, and letters of recommendation. But don’t discount this section – we read these forms carefully and gain valuable insight into your candidacy through your answers.

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