

Happy holidays!

As many readers are surely aware, Tufts and Fletcher are closed today, and will remain so for much of the interim between now and the New Year. Whether Christmas is for you a religious occasion, an opportunity to spend time with family, or simply a day to rest and unwind a bit, and regardless of whether or not you’re able to spend it in your typical fashion this year, best wishes from all of us for your health, safety, and happiness!

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An unusual Thanksgiving

In this era of all days being the same, Thanksgiving has snuck up on me this year. In a normal fall full of Admissions travel, I know Thanksgiving is just about here when I start feeling like I can’t stand the thought of dealing with another airport, at which point we promptly head to the airport to visit my wife’s family for the holiday. Things are different this year, a sentiment from which I’ve gotten a lot of mileage lately.

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