
About Fletcher

DC Career Trip

The annual Washington, DC career “trip” took place late last week, and it was a busy affair as always. “Trip” more in spirit than in practice this year, for obvious reasons, but in spite of being screen-mediated this time around it still felt familiar, with all classes cancelled for two days to allow over 300 students to take part in many dozens of discrete events.

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About Fletcher

Washington, DC Career Trip

There’s currently a vacation-week feel to Fletcher, with empty classrooms and strangely quiet hallways. An extension of Presidents’ Day to a week-long holiday, perhaps? Good guess, but wrong. The lull is due to the annual Washington, DC career trip administered by the Office of Career Services (OCS). OCS has something going on at pretty much all times throughout the year, but even by their busy standards it’s fair to say that the DC Career Trip is their equivalent of the Super Bowl.

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About FletcherOur Staff

Career planning and the Master of International Business (MIB) program

Longtime readers will know Lucas from past blog contributions. Over the past few years, Lucas has become our primary in-house application process and information systems expert (and we continue to turn to him to teach us things we may have forgotten, whether he likes it or not). He’s also taken on a new role working with our international business degree program. Lucas will drop in on the blog periodically to highlight the various goings-on within the program, as well as with the Institute for Business in the Global Context (IBGC), the Fletcher research center that houses it.

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