Tuesday, January 21, 2025

08/18/21 Inaugural Volume 1 Update:

The ReSentencing team is incredibly excited to be moving forward with this project. We were inspired by all of the submissions and are honored to expand the audience of this talented group of authors and artists as part of this journal’s effort to facilitate the community of writers, artists, and educators directly impacted by incarceration.

We are so grateful to the more than 800 people who have sent in submissions. The editorial team has now made selections. Letters with updates about submissions will be going out Monday, August 23. Those who emailed submissions with be emailed responses, and those who submitted by mail will receive snail mail letters.

As we are in the process of designing the journal, and have digitized all submissions, we have removed all mention of any specific incarceration facilities, though we have not deleted mention of states. We have adhered to any requests for pseudonyms. We expect the journal to go to print soon. It will be mailed out to everyone who submitted, regardless of submission acceptance, sometime soon after the new year. We will update you here if that date changes.

In addition to including accepted work in the print journal, we plan to publish all submitted work online, identifying it with your name and state, as part of the online Resentencing journal and the Tufts University ReSentencing Archive. If you would prefer that your work is not published online, please send a letter asking us not to publish by the end of August. If at any time you decide after your work is made viewable online that you would prefer that it be taken down, you can always send us a letter with that request and we will do so at any time.

Those whose submissions were accepted for the print journal will be receiving a $25 reward for your contributions. Please let us know by email or snail mail how we can deliver that honorarium. We will need to hear by the author/artist directly, or by the person who submitted for the author/artist, about how and when to deliver the stipend.

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