About Fletcher

Leir Institute joins the OSCE Network

Leir Institute logoA quick note today about some neat breaking news that found its way to me recently: The Leir Institute, Fletcher’s research center specializing in human security, has been accepted as a member of the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions. The Leir Institute is a very busy outfit: it hosts the “Corruption in Fragile States” blog (with which longtime readers may be familiar), as well as a variety of research such as “The Journeys Project,” which tracks the financial experiences of displaced populations, and an ongoing inquiry into the “Migration Crisis and State Fragility.”

A self-described “flexible and informal track II initiative,” the OSCE Network loosely links organizations engaged in research and policy issues relevant to OSCE states. Current projects include research into Western Balkans military communities and dynamics, and China’s Belt and Road Initiative, in addition to a long and wide list of recent past projects. It’s work that’s right in the wheelhouse of the Leir Institute, and we’re excited by the new affiliation!