Our Students

Fletcher’s fabulous students and what they’re up to.

Our Students

Farewells and greetings to our Januarians

The end of last week marked an annual Fletcher tradition, different this year as with everything. “Januarians,” those students who begin their time at Fletcher in the spring semester, have a commencement ceremony each December. These students are also invited to the larger commencement ceremonies each spring, but this cohort of students have a unique identity and bond with each other, and it’s nice to set aside some time each year to celebrate them on their own.

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Our Students

New student bloggers: Introducing Kanako

Hello! This is Kanako Kimura, a 2nd year MALD 2021 from Japan. My concentration is Political Systems and Theories (or International Security) as well as Business Relations. I am excited to share with you my time at Fletcher over this year! In this post, I would like to write about 1) how I become interested in international relations, 2) why I chose to study at Fletcher, and 3) my path prior to Fletcher.

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Our Students

New student bloggers: Princess dives into the virtual semester

Introducing new student bloggers is one of the high points of the annual blog calendar. All new students have a unique story about their path to Fletcher and the early days of their student experience, and that’s particularly true of this year’s new students who begin their time in the Fletcher community in a virtual environment. Today we’ll get to know first-year MALD student Princess, off to a fast start at Fletcher!

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