
About Fletcher

Ukraine Digital Verification Lab

A neat project highlight today from Fletcher’s Russia & Eurasia Program, a research center whose work has been very much in the news over the past year. The student-led Ukraine Digital Verification Lab has harnessed freely available social media activity and satellite imagery to produce reports on infrastructure damage, specifically documenting attacks on schools and educational facilities.

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About Fletcher

Center for International Environment & Resource Policy year in review

The Center for International Environment & Resource Policy (CIERP, in local parlance) is one of Fletcher’s most active research centers. It’s the intellectual home base for a major portion of the curriculum, houses the Climate Policy Lab, and offers a variety of opportunities for students interested in climate, energy, and sustainability issues to get involved in its work.

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Our Students

New anti-corruption research from MALD student Rosemary Ventura

Longtime readers may have some familiarity with the Corruption, Justice and Legitimacy (CJL) Program, which is occasionally highlighted in this space. It’s part of the work of the Henry J. Leir Institute for human security, one of Fletcher’s very active research centers, The CJL Program is a great example of the ways students get involved in scholarly research while here. It was a great pleasure to hear recently from current MALD student Rosemary Ventura, who shared some details about her current work with CJL.

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Our Faculty

IBGC studies the potential of digital tech in Africa

Readers familiar with Fletcher may have stumbled upon the work of the Institute for Business in the Global Context (IBGC) at some point. It’s one of the busiest research centers at the school, and also houses the MIB program. IBGC researchers have been investigating various aspects of emerging digital economies for years now, including research into the “ease of doing digital business,” mobile payments, and cashless economies.

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