General Admissions News

Post #1925: In which I say goodbye and introduce your new blogger

Two weeks ago, I decided that I would publish a post every day so that my last-ever Admissions Blog post could be #1925.  No special reason for selecting that number, except that it sounds more impressive than 1923.  So here I am, writing my final post, number 1925.

Writing the blog has been both fun (I like writing) and also a great opportunity to connect with applicants and students.  Though the posts draw sadly few comments (Don’t hesitate to fix that today!), I’ll often chat with students who ask me about a past post from when they were applying.  Like one new arrival who told me last week that he found it funny to confirm that, if sitting in my office, the sound from all the activity in the Hall of Flags comes through loud and clear.

I also have enjoyed the challenge of writing within a defined structure: So long as a post fits into one of the categories (listed to the right if you’re reading on a computer — down below if you’re reading on a phone), I’ve felt free to write it.  Over the years, then, readers have learned what my husband, Paul, and I have done in Our Neighborhood over the weekend.  They’ve read about the college application process for my son, Josh, and my daughter, Kayla, particularly as I found parallels with the graduate school admissions process.  Sometimes I’ve tried to give voice to what our community was feeling, but I also wrote regularly about Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, which many students experience here for the first time.  Far more often, I covered fairly basic topics around the admissions process and what our students, faculty, and alumni are up to.  From my first post in 2006 to this one, twelve years later, there has always been more to write than I’ve been able to cover.

Moving forward, responsibility for my work has been doled out project by project.  Among my other activities, Liz will be running the interview program, Lucas will be the contact for Tufts undergraduates, and Dan will be the Admissions liaison for the PhD program…and he’ll take over the blog.

Readers will soon learn a lot about Dan, I’m sure.  For now, you need to know that this fluffy friend is Murray, and Dan is Murray’s human.  As you can see, when Murray grabs hold of something, he is pure dedication, and I trust that he’ll support Dan’s blogging going forward.

Among my last tasks before I clear my desk tomorrow is to extract myself from elists and change subscriptions for any emails coming to my Tufts address.  I just subscribed to receive future blog posts by email.  What’s that you say?  You didn’t realize this is possible?  Sure it is!  Just look to the right (or below) for the “subscribe” icon, or simply click here and add your email address, prove you’re not a robot, and look forward to having blog posts come to you with no effort at all.

Fletcher is simply a wonderful place and I know I’ll miss it as a workplace and a source of inspiration.  Our students are wonderful and regularly amaze me with the good they bring to the world.  I won’t be turning up here every day, but I’ll stay connected, both by talking with my soon-to-be former colleagues and by reading the Admissions Blog.  Meanwhile, I wish all blog readers luck in the admissions process, and success as future Fletcher students.