About Fletcher

General information about the School.

About Fletcher

“A Push to Prevent the Next Pandemic” – Fletcher and Tufts at the forefront of a global fight against viruses

A panel of Tufts experts will lead a $100 million USAID program to prevent future viral pandemics. The Strategies to Prevent Spillover program (STOP Spillover) will work with countries at high risk for animal-based viruses to “spillover” into humans, as is believed to have been the case with Ebola, SARS, MERS and COVID-19.

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About Fletcher

An annotated Fletcher tour: The Cabot basement

Basements get something of a bad rap. Your Pennywises and Babadooks always seem to be basement lurkers, and no sports team cares to be known as a “cellar dweller.” My generation will always harbor suspicion toward the Alamo for allegedly stashing Pee-wee’s beloved bicycle in its basement. I like to think Fletcher provides a little push-back to these preconceptions with the Cabot basement, a warren of study, lounging, and meeting spaces whose recent facelift has made it even more of a go-to location.

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About Fletcher

An annotated Fletcher tour: the 7th floor

The 7th floor of the Cabot building leads the list of “hidden gems” at Fletcher. Getting there can take a bit of extra determination since it requires either a serious stair climb or dealing with Fletcher’s occasionally-balky elevator, but the space rewards the effort. You’ll immediately be struck by the views, some of the best available of the greater Cambridge/Boston area outside of the top of the Prudential Center (which, incidentally, is visible from the 7th floor).

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About Fletcher

Annotated Fletcher tour, continued

Regular blog readers may recall a few posts back in early June beginning a virtual tour of Fletcher. Ah, early June, not even three full months into our pandemic-adjusted lifestyles! At the time, I wanted to be sure that incoming and prospective students who might normally try to visit campus in the summer for a look around had something of an alternative option until the broader implications of the COVID-19 crisis became clear. As things progressed and the time horizon of our remote situation got longer, though, focusing on our physical space that no one could access for the foreseeable future started to feel a bit tone-deaf. So to the back-burner this series went.

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About Fletcher

On language learning at Fletcher

The “news” of the change in Fletcher’s foreign language requirement is maybe not really news to a lot of readers by now. The official announcement of the change in policy was made a week or so ago, and we’ve been in touch individually with a lot of incoming and current students since that time. For those to whom this is indeed still news, the core information is that Fletcher students will now have the option to demonstrate second language proficiency as an additional credential, rather than being required to do so in order to graduate.

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