

A bittersweet farewell to Liz

At the blog-reading stage, some readers may have a vague familiarity with Liz’s name, but you’d be hard-pressed to find any Fletcher students over the past 7 years who don’t know her well. We’ve been aware for nearly a month that Liz is moving on to an exciting new admissions opportunity, but the reality of her departure is setting in for real as she spends her final days on our team.

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A brief holiday interlude

Things are beginning to slow down a wee bit for Fletcher students. “Starting” is the key word here, as plenty of students aren’t out of the woods of finals quite yet, but most can at least see the finish line at this point. The Ginn Library reading room was as packed as I’ve ever seen it late last week, but this week it’s started looking sparse.

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January 10th application deadline reminder

Readers, I realize it may seem comically premature of me to start issuing deadline reminders a full month in advance. The January 10th application deadline – the big one, the scholarship priority one, the one that applies to the majority of applicants – is still weeks away. Let’s think about the other things many of you have going on during that time, though. The collective list may include finals, end-of-year workplace budgets, reports, and projects, holiday shopping and planning, travels both near and far, and hopefully a bit of seasonal celebrating and relaxing. That month, which seems to promise loads of available time to work away on your applications, can start looking pretty short pretty quickly.

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The lighter side of winter

The first major snow of the year often elicits some collective grumbling in these parts, especially when it arrives in early December. As much as none of us likes having to drag winter gear out of the closet for the first time, extract the snow shovels from the corner of the garage where they’ve happily been gathering cobwebs over the past months, and be digging my car out of my driveway at 5:30 AM the past two days in a row, there are reminders of the lighter side of winter that pop up around here that almost make it worth it.

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Thanksgiving well wishes

Thanksgiving! A non-scientific, small-n survey of People I Talk To yields the conclusion that it’s pretty close to a consensus favorite holiday. The specific reasons for this likely vary from person to person, as “typical” Thanksgiving celebrations can range from the local and fairly simple to complex and far-flung affairs involving all kinds of extended family. At minimum, most folks can count on a gigantic meal with little of the guilt that normally comes with gluttony. 

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