
About Fletcher


If pressed to name the single most exciting day of the Admissions year, I’d start by hemming and hawing about how there are quite a few to choose from. Apply enough pressure, though, and you’d ultimately get me to say it’s the first day of Orientation. For Admissions types, it’s particularly gratifying to meet in-person people who have thus far existed only as email addresses and Zoom screens. This year’s Orientation is extra-special, as it’s the first fully in-person affair since 2019.

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About Fletcher

Orientation, continued

As orientation rolls on, I’ve heard a number of colleagues comment that this year’s class of new Fletcher students are a happy-seeming bunch. That’s not abnormal; orientation is by definition a good-energy event, but I’ve likewise noticed a positive vibe so far this week. It helps that we’ve had idyllic weather (with a stormy afternoon yesterday being the only meteorological blight thus far). As I’ve mentioned before, we’re hugely excited by the arrival of our new students, and it’s great to feel that they’re just as excited to be here.

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About FletcherGeneral Admissions News


Today is one of the most fun days of the admissions year – the start of orientation! With a few exceptions, it’s the first time we’ll meet our new students face-to-face, after having spent the better part of a year working with them virtually as prospective/admitted/enrolled students. Our friends in the Registrar run the arrival and check-in portion of the day, though we eagerly staff the welcome tables for the opportunity to put faces to names with which we’ve been working on paper for the better part of the past year. My guess is that it can sometimes be a bit surreal for students to arrive at Fletcher for the first time, and be greeted by one of us as if they’re a long-lost relative. What can I say? We’re excited to have our new students here.

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Our Students

Welcome, Januarians!

It’s official: those who started at Fletcher this past fall are no longer the newest students here. Our class of Januarians arrived today, and they’re currently working through a full orientation schedule. We had a chance for a quick hello at this morning’s welcome breakfast, and will look forward to a bit more face time between now and the weekend.

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