Flexible concept mapping tools for managing and integrating digital resources in support of teaching, learning and research.
a. Adding Images
Adding an Image via the Content Resources Window:
Drag an image from the Browse or Search Results tab to the map or node. A resource icon appears indicating that a file is attached to the node.
The image thumbnail displays in the node.
The remote content resource icon looks and acts just like the web and
file resource icons. The node label can be renamed by double-clicking
it. Renaming the text on the node does not change the content attached
to the node. Double-clicking the resource icon (i.e. “jpg”) or the
image thumbnail launches the full size image.
Adding an Image from flickr in 1 Easy Step:
Right-click the node and select Add Most Relevant flickr Image. An image is added to the node.
What you must know about remote images:
For VUE to render an image from a URL, the URL must end with .gif, .png or.jpg
Wikipedia: Dragging an image from an article page will result in a “missing image” error on the VUE map. In Wikipedia, click on the image until the URL ends with .gif, .png or.jpg.
Google Light Tray (Windows platform): Dragging images from Google Light Tray will save the image in the cache, therefore the URL will no longer point to a web address.
Dragging images from a password protected site (ex: private wiki): VUE won’t know how to authenticate. VUE can handle password protected repositories if added as a Resource.
Moving an image out of a node:
On the VUE toolbar, click the Selection Tool drop-down menu and select the Direct Selection Tool (the 2nd of 3 choices). The cursor changes from a black left-facing arrow to a white arrow.
Click and drag the image from the node onto the map canvas.
Copying and pasting an image from a node to the map canvas:
On the VUE toolbar, click the Selection Tool drop-down menu and select the Direct Selection Tool (the 2nd of 3 choices). The cursor changes from a black left-facing arrow to a white arrow.
Right-click the image and select Copy.
Right-click the map canvas and select Paste. A copy of the image is placed onto the map canvas.
Tip: To create a background image, add the image to its own layer and lock the layer
Editing Node label, notes and metadata:
Right-clicking the node and selecting Node Info brings up the Info
window where adjustments can be made to the node label, notes can be
appended, and keywords can be added. Node information, content preview
and content description also display. The notes field provides a
location to add descriptive information about the selected object.