Search Results for: januarian

Our Students

Farewells and greetings to our Januarians

The end of last week marked an annual Fletcher tradition, different this year as with everything. “Januarians,” those students who begin their time at Fletcher in the spring semester, have a commencement ceremony each December. These students are also invited to the larger commencement ceremonies each spring, but this cohort of students have a unique identity and bond with each other, and it’s nice to set aside some time each year to celebrate them on their own.

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Our Students

Januarian commencement

A busy last week at Fletcher ended with an important annual event. Though this year’s class of 2nd-year “Januarians” – Fletcher parlance for the smaller cohort of students who enroll in the spring semester – won’t officially graduate until February, their commencement ceremonies are held during the last weeks of the fall semester, when everyone is still around to join them in celebration.

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Our Students

Welcome, Januarians!

It’s official: those who started at Fletcher this past fall are no longer the newest students here. Our class of Januarians arrived today, and they’re currently working through a full orientation schedule. We had a chance for a quick hello at this morning’s welcome breakfast, and will look forward to a bit more face time between now and the weekend.

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Our Students

A December farewell to our departing Januarians

A few months back I wrote about our January enrollment period, and some of the distinct features of starting your Fletcher experience in the spring semester instead of the more typical fall enrollment. The unspoken but fairly obvious addendum to all my chatter about the excitement of welcoming a new class of Januarians is that we’re also forced to say goodbye to a departing class each December, too. Last Friday saw the annual Januarian Farewell Ceremony, which has most of the trappings of a typical graduation without actually being one. Our departing Januarians still have finals to get through, after all, and their degrees will be officially conferred in February. At the risk of jinxing them, we like to hold this closing ceremony to acknowledge their contributions to the community, as most students (Januarians and otherwise) will scatter around the world after finals for a well-deserved break.

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Admissions Tips

Januarians, assemble!

The arrival of late September in the Admissions Office can only mean one thing: it’s time to think about January! Admissions is a deadline-driven business, and we have an important one approaching. October 15 is the date by which applicants for January 2019 enrollment need to submit application materials. This one has a tendency to sneak up on everyone. Relative to the fall enrolling class, our annual group of “Januarians” is small (usually a few dozen students), and as such the application and enrollment period for them is quite compressed. With a mid-October application deadline, we expect to release admissions decisions for these candidates in early November, and to receive enrollment decisions from them by the end of that month. There’s a lot that needs to happen in just a handful of weeks.

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