

Happy Thanksgiving!

A tradition second in importance only to the Thanksgiving holiday itself, the annual Thanksgiving blog post is a treasured one in this space! My blog forebear Jessica made a point of highlighting her enthusiasm for Thanksgiving annually (as you can see from the archives), and it’s one that she and I share. All holidays have at least something to recommend them, but Thanksgiving is really the whole package, and certainly high on my personal list of favorites.

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Five-year updates: Rafael’s path to the European Council on Foreign Relations

I particularly love checking in with our five-years-removed alumni. It’s of course always great to learn what they’ve been up to, but it’s also always a little jolt to be reminded how quickly time passes. Without fail, it always feels like no more than a year since we saw these folks wandering the Hall of Flags. In Rafael’s case, we also saw him during Admissions Committee meetings, in our office where he worked as a Graduate Assistant, and at all manner of Admissions events. He was very busy during his Fletcher days; as you’ll see, some things don’t change.

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First-year Alumni: Andrew’s path to DoD

It’s alumni update time! I always love hearing from our recent alumni about what they’ve been up to since their student days. Longtime blog readers might remember Andrew, a 2021 MALD graduate, from his many appearances in this space during his time at Fletcher as he and his compatriots dominated a series of cyber-security simulation competitions. As is common for Fletcher students, these involvements played a crucial role in Andrew’s professional path.

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