Admissions Tips

Advice to incoming students: digest version

While there’s still a bit of activity around the margins, the incoming class for fall 2023 is taking shape. Matriculating students can expect a regular flow of communications from various Fletcher departments in the coming months about lots of “on-boarding” tasks for the semester. All of that is important and (hopefully) helpful information, but is relatively transactional and may not get at some larger questions incoming students may have about how to prepare for grad school.

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General Admissions News

June 10 – Map Your Future application deadline

I’m coming at you with an unexpected deadline reminder today, readers. Yes, yes, I am indeed aware that it’s early May, and you’re forgiven if you thought we were through with application deadlines for a while. The current college seniors among you, however, have an important remaining deadline to be aware of. June 10 is the final deadline to apply to Fletcher via the Map Your Future (MYF) pathway.

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Our Students

Birendra’s spring break

Spring break just went by, meaning differently for different students. For some this was an opportunity to explore the USA, some visited family and friends, some just did some unwinding and as for me – I took the opportunity to engage in some more in-depth research in topics relating to humanitarian justice and writing two papers (with support of two of my professors, one in the UN and another at the world bank).

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General Admissions NewsOur Students

PhDs, too!

Hi Blog readers — I’m Jessica, former blogger-in-chief, and now an occasional guest writer.

As you probably know, Fletcher released admission decisions a few weeks ago, and nearly all those yeses and nos went to applicants to our master’s-level programs.  A relatively small number of responses winged their way to applicants to the school’s PhD Program in International Relations.  You might be one of the handful of newly admitted PhD students but, since there are very few, you’re more likely to be wondering why you would care about the PhD program, as you’re researching graduate schools.  I’m here to tell you why!

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