Search Results for: manaved

Our Students

Manaved’s annotated curriculum

Around this time of year I ask our second-year student bloggers to provide an “annotated curriculum” to give readers some sense of the thought process that goes into charting one’s way through two years of Fletcher. Though not in the way they imagined, their Fletcher student careers are hurtling toward conclusion. First up is Manaved, walking us through his curricular path and plans for the future.

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About Fletcher

Commencement 2020

Another Commencement, come and gone. This one, clearly, was different than the usual affair, but may prove to be one of the more memorable in recent memory. I’ll take the opportunity here to vicariously toot the horns of all those involved in pulling this event off, as they’re too modest to ever do so themselves. I was immediately struck by the professionalism of the virtual ceremony, and the obvious huge amounts of work involved in bringing it to life. Seamless transitions, all involved ready to hit their marks, and real-time captioning made it the best possible version of itself.

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