Admissions Tips

Suggestions from Fletcher admissions on best steps to take when applying to Fletcher or other grad programs.

Admissions Tips

One week left!

Do I have your attention, applicants? Good. Just making sure everyone remembers that the January 10 application deadline is one measly week away. Having sufficiently jolted you awake, I can now add context and caveats: please do submit your application by the deadline, but don’t sweat it if you have a heel-dragging recommender, or have a test score report that doesn’t arrive quite on time. If we have all your outstanding materials by February 1 we can usually avoid delays in processing your application.

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Admissions Tips

Application tips – the digest version

Around this time of year there’s usually a lot of interest in tips for preparing your strongest possible application to Fletcher. With the Thanksgiving holiday coming up later this week (in the US, at least), many applicants are looking at a few slightly less hectic days during which they may plan to make some progress on their application. It’s also far enough out from the next major deadline (January 10 for most degree programs) that a lot of applicants are in the earlier stages of gathering their materials.

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Admissions Tips

Early Notification deadline – November 10

We’ve had a few blustery, rainy days here lately. Temperatures are getting cooler, and your Minister of Deadline Reminders and Other Action Items is hunkered down with his assistant. It seems as good a time as any to check in with current applicants planning to submit by the Early Notification (EN) deadline, who by now should be likewise hunkered down with their applications. The EN deadline is just a few weeks from now, on November 10.

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Admissions Tips

Admissions interviews open for registration

A quick plug today for our Admissions interview program, which will run from late September through early December. For readers who plan to apply to Fletcher during this cycle, I highly recommend registering for an interview, although it’s an optional part of the application process and you won’t be penalized for not doing so. Interviews are available both in-person and via Skype, though, so really, there’s no reason not to get one set up.

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Admissions Tips

Pre-semester Preparatory Primer, Part III: review your finances

We’ve gotten this far into our Pre-semester Preparatory Primer without talking about money, but it was bound to surface at some point. Financing grad school can sometimes be more stressful than anything the academic experience can generate. One key to keeping financial stress low is thoroughly understanding your own resources and obligations, in order to avoid unwelcome surprises during the year.

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