Map Your Future

General Admissions News

June 10 – Map Your Future application deadline

I’m coming at you with an unexpected deadline reminder today, readers. Yes, yes, I am indeed aware that it’s early May, and you’re forgiven if you thought we were through with application deadlines for a while. The current college seniors among you, however, have an important remaining deadline to be aware of. June 10 is the final deadline to apply to Fletcher via the Map Your Future (MYF) pathway.

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General Admissions News

Map Your Future – June application deadline

Regular blog readers may be surprised to see a deadline-related post at this point in the year. It’s approaching mid-May, after all, the time of year in which your focus understandably may be more on the dubious playoff prospects of the Celtics or the surprising start of the spunky Red Sox. For current college seniors, though, the June 10 Map Your Future (MYF) application deadline is one to bear in mind.

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