General Admissions News

What’s happening now in the Admissions Office.

General Admissions News

Planning a PhD application?

Hi folks! Former blogger-in-chief Jessica here — occupying the Admissions Blog while Dan is taking a walk through the Hall of Flags.

This is the moment in the fall semester when we start hearing regularly from prospective applicants to Fletcher’s PhD program in International Relations. In some ways, they’re just like applicants to our master’s degrees, with questions about where-to-put-what in the application form, but their focus on their planned research is what makes them stand out. They often pose questions that challenge me to figure out which member of the faculty might be interested in a particular sub-specialty.

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General Admissions News

Early Notification Application Deadline – November 10

This time of year is notable in many ways, including peak Pumpkin Industrial Complex activity and horror movie reruns on basic cable (did you know there are now at least THREE movies that can reasonably be referred to as “Halloween II?”), but in this space it’s squarely Application Deadline Reminder Season. As such, I’ll remind you that the November 10 application deadline for Early Notification is approaching.

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General Admissions News

Meet the 21-22 Admissions Graduate Assistants

Among the many annual rites of the academic year is the assembling of our Admissions Graduate Assistant team. We love having these students join our office as they provide crucial support to our operations throughout the year, though it’s also just nice to have the chance to get to know them and follow their student journey at Fletcher. Prospective students are likely to find themselves in touch with our GAs at some point during the year, too, as they’re often the first point of contact in our office. Returning MALD student Shelby worked with us all last year, too, though given our virtual format we’re just now getting our long-overdue opportunity to welcome her (and to welcome her back) in-person. She’s joined by first-year students Talha and Sandra, whom we’re of course also thrilled to have join us.

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