Class of 2013

Our Alumni

Five-Year Update: Margot Shorey, F13

Like Ana, whose Five-Year Update appeared yesterday, Margot’s path since graduating has also been featured in the blog. She followed Ana as the second graduate to write a First-Year Alumni update. I shared news about an article she had written, and she has helped out a couple of times when I’ve been in Washington, DC for a graduate school fair. Margot spent two years on the Admissions Committee and I always enjoy a chance to reconnect! Today she’ll tell us about her path since completing the MALD in 2013.

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Our Alumni

The 2013s!

So this year I decided to make a correction to the way I organize the Five-Year Updates. The idea to reconnect with those folks came to me more than six summers ago, after I saw a list of alumni reunion attendees. I ran the inaugural posts throughout the following academic year but, by the time I wrapped up the Class of 2007, nearly six years had passed following their graduation. The same pattern recurred in all subsequent years…until this one! Beginning in fall 2017, I’ve already shared updates from the Class of 2012. And now it’s time for the Class of 2013, whose updates I’ll be publishing this week and next. The 2013s are fresh from their five-year mark, whether they returned to campus or not. In future years, starting this fall with the Class of 2014, we’ll profile the class that is coming up to its five-year reunion throughout the school year.

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