
Admissions Tips

2021 application now available

I always enjoy posting an update about the new admissions application going live. While there’s no “official” start to an admissions cycle, this is as discrete a point as any to consider the beginning of our year, and there’s a celebratory aspect to it (at least for us). Readers with any familiarity of past-year applications won’t notice many differences, but there’s nonetheless been a sizable list of tasks on our end to ready things for the coming year.

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Admissions Tips

Application tips – the digest version

Around this time of year there’s usually a lot of interest in tips for preparing your strongest possible application to Fletcher. With the Thanksgiving holiday coming up later this week (in the US, at least), many applicants are looking at a few slightly less hectic days during which they may plan to make some progress on their application. It’s also far enough out from the next major deadline (January 10 for most degree programs) that a lot of applicants are in the earlier stages of gathering their materials.

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General Admissions News

Spring enrollment application deadline

Things are happening quickly around here, friends. Talk of application deadlines around this time of year may seem a bit of lighthearted japery, but don’t get caught napping. Take a look at the calendar, and note that it’s already mid-September. For those interested in January 2020 enrollment at Fletcher, the clock is ticking. October 10, one short month away, is the deadline for submitting your application!

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