student honors

Our Students

Fletcher team wins Cyber 9/12 competition!

Not too long ago I wrote about the proliferation of cybersecurity-related curriculum and activity at Fletcher, including a brief mention of the annual Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge hosted by The Atlantic Council. Fletcher teams have taken part in the competition for three or four years now. They’ve consistently returned invigorated by the experience, and on occasion a bit awed by the level of technical and policy expertise to which they were exposed at the event. It’s struck me as a great learning experience for the growing contingent of Fletcher students interested in cyber issues.

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Our Students

Congratulations, Rami!

Say hello to returning MALD student Rami. Rami is a great friend of ours, regularly volunteering for various Admissions events and outreach activities, welcoming new students to Fletcher as a featured speaker at last week’s orientation, and serving as a student representative on the Admissions Committee. We’ve been really glad to see him back at Fletcher over the past week. What a pleasant surprise it was, then, to catch him being presented with The Alfred P. Rubin Prize in International Law at today’s convocation ceremonies!

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