Five-Year Updates


Five-year updates: Rafael’s path to the European Council on Foreign Relations

I particularly love checking in with our five-years-removed alumni. It’s of course always great to learn what they’ve been up to, but it’s also always a little jolt to be reminded how quickly time passes. Without fail, it always feels like no more than a year since we saw these folks wandering the Hall of Flags. In Rafael’s case, we also saw him during Admissions Committee meetings, in our office where he worked as a Graduate Assistant, and at all manner of Admissions events. He was very busy during his Fletcher days; as you’ll see, some things don’t change.

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Our Alumni

Five-year updates: Diane drops a line from Bangladesh

Today we’ll travel a bit further back in time to check in with another alumna friend. It’s shocking to me to realize that Diane Broinshtein graduated from Fletcher a full five years ago, as it feels far more recently that she was part of our Admissions Committee and getting involved in all manner of Admissions and Fletcher-wide events. Her career path and her time at Fletcher are great examples of the value of interdisciplinary programs!

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Our Alumni

Five-Year Update: Daniel Orth

It’s time for a five-year update from the class of 2014. It was such a pleasant surprise to bump into Daniel Orth at commencement last month, as he’s a longtime friend of our office. Daniel worked with us as a graduate assistant during his time at Fletcher, and could be relied upon to represent Fletcher in all manner of admissions events throughout the academic year. We’ve gotten the odd update from him since his post-graduation relocation to San Diego, but it’s still hard to believe five years have gone by since his time at Fletcher. I, of course, immediately took advantage of the chance meeting to solicit an alumni blog post from him. He naturally obliged me, since he’s one of the most good-natured people to pass through a community that’s full of nice folks.

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Our Alumni

Five-Year Update: Margot Shorey, F13

Like Ana, whose Five-Year Update appeared yesterday, Margot’s path since graduating has also been featured in the blog. She followed Ana as the second graduate to write a First-Year Alumni update. I shared news about an article she had written, and she has helped out a couple of times when I’ve been in Washington, DC for a graduate school fair. Margot spent two years on the Admissions Committee and I always enjoy a chance to reconnect! Today she’ll tell us about her path since completing the MALD in 2013.

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